Information Technology

Information Technology

The Newspapers Association of India or NAI was founded by a vibrant personality, Late Dr. M.R. Gaur in the year 1993. Being a not-for- profit trade association, NAI has been representing the owners, publishers and editors of Local and National Newspapers and Magazines of the Indian Media community for more than two decades. The chief aphorism of the NAI is to defend, endorse and boost up the significance of Indian newspaper community by pointing out the difficulties, which have been troubling the small scale as well as medium scale newspaper industry for a past couple of years.

All the issues are tackled effectively by the active members and they can utilize this common platform by interacting with each other. All the active members can locate and isolate the problems and simultaneously present the issues in front of the higher authorities. A great multiplicity of personages is associated with The Newspapers Association of India, which houses various categories of membership. The members are notified of the latest events. It acts as a collective voice for different newspapers (Daily, Weekly’s, Bi Weekly’s Fortnightly’s, Monthly’s, Online Digests & others). All over the country, there are newspapers of different dialects which are connected to the organization.

Tip 1

Sign up for mail anonymously.

Tip 2

Never use your real name.

Tip 3

Don’t put any information in the “user profile” section. If it is required, be extremely general.

Tip 4

Do not accept messages from anyone who is not on your “friends” list.

Tip 5

Don’t accept messages that are sent to multiple recipients.

Tip 6

Disable the “Online/Offline” feature. No one needs to know when you are on- or offline.So better to stay invisible on chatting applications.

Tip 7

If you get messages from people you do not want to hear from, put them on the “ignore” list.

Tip 8

Never chat on Webcam with person whom u don't know.

So be safe and enjoy the virtual world called "INTERNET".

Rahul Tyagi

Technical Head, NAI