2nd Global Festival of Journalism
NAI Karnataka State Body Meeting in Bangalore
First Global Festival of Journalism Noida 2013 Inaugurated
A Tribute to Journalists & a Media Workshop on Late Dr. M.R Gaur's second Death Anniversary
The 20th Annual Conference and National Achievement Award 2012 on 29th December at Constitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi
Two felicitated for pledging body donation
Inauguration of Newspapers Association of India, Tamilnadu and Awards Distribution
National Meet on Small and Medium Newspapers
The NAI South Zone meeting that was held on 26.02.2012 in Bangalore
NAI Tribute Ceremony to our founder Late Dr. M.R. Gaur at Gandhi Peace Foundation
News Papers Association of India Excellence -Award-2011 on 26th December 2011 3pm to 9 pm at Constitution Club Rafi Marg Delhi
Hax World News Makers Award held on 1st May 2010 in Mumbai Taj Hotel